Hardware for DNN Tutorial slides

The Energy-Efficient Multimedia Systems (EEMS) group at MIT has a Tutorial on Hardware Architectures for Deep Neural Networks. Here is the website: http://eyeriss.mit.edu/tutorial.html

All Slides in one PDF.

The slides explain a lot of convolutional Nerual Networks and how they work. It also describes many different topics ranging from the architectures for the winners of ImageNet and how their success also correlate with the use of GPUs for processing. The later part is more on the details in computation, what is computed where and how.

If you wish to check out each individual topic, they are also splitted into several different slides:

  • Background of Deep Neural Networks [ slides ]
  • Survey of DNN Development Resources [ slides ]
  • Survey of DNN Hardware [ slides ]
  • DNN Accelerator Architectures [ slides ]
  • Advanced Technology Opportunities [ slides ]
  • Network and Hardware Co-Design [ slides ]
  • Benchmarking Metrics [ slides ]
  • Tutorial Summary [ slides ]
  • References [ slides ]

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